Thursday, December 11, 2014

last post

Today is the last day i will be posting, hopefully this project will be continued next semester and if it is you will have all new people working on everything we have worked on. This is a sad parting but it must happen have a merry Christmas and a happy new year!


The creek behind our school 

Monday, December 8, 2014

what we are doing today!!!

Today we are going to the creek just to kind of study it and see how it is looking. We also have Davis coming in the next few days to put up an antenna so we can get information from the creek about the creek also this is out fourth trial with the buoy so wish us luck

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


So we went to the creek and while we were down there it started ti rain and everyone got soaked but even though it was wet and muddy everyone says they had the best time and that they will never forget it.

what we are doing today!!!

today we are doing video interviews and we will put some up in the next few days for everyone to see we also have some students in class teaching us how to work the lab quest  and we have pulled the buoy up from the creek and we are going to get jonas dad to look at it and tell us his opinion because every buoy we make leaks.

~side note~ did you know we have had to make three buoys and they have all been called baby 

Monday, December 1, 2014

what we are doing today!!!!

so today we where going to go to the creek but its supposed to rain so we are going to go tomorrow hopefully we can get some more pictures up yay!! so today we are really just trying to get everything in its place because sadly the semester is ending  and that means that this class with be over for us and we are all really sad about it but anyway today we are working on getting our journals done and getting all our forms filled out and ready to turn in we are putting the finishing touches on power points and we are working on finishing the wiki page so we are about all in order

On a side note happy holidays.